help change a child’s life

Your donation will support operations and the funding for the LionHeart Children’s Recovery Home, which will offer a safe haven for child sex trafficking survivors nationwide. We are also dedicated to raising awareness and providing training programs to combat human trafficking across the country.

Your donations make a lasting impact on the lives of survivors and our mission to eradicate exploitation.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our team and volunteering your skills to help expand our non-profit on a national scale, please get in touch with us. We welcome your assistance and enthusiasm!

LION195 Against Trafficking is a fiscal sponsee of Fiscal Sponsorship Veritas Charities Inc, EIN which is 45-4920646., an Indiana nonprofit corporation and recognized public charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to Fiscal Sponsorship Veritas Charities Inc. for LION195 Against Trafficking are tax-deductible as provided in IRC § 170(c)(3) of the United States Tax Code. Your gift qualifies as a charitable deduction for your federal income tax purposes, to the fullest extent allowed by law. Each donor’s situation is unique, and you may wish to consult with your tax advisor. All donations are subject to terms and conditions, which can be viewed here.







If you are a corporation, business, or church who would like to become an official partner of LION195, visit here.

To see a list of our current partners and sponsors who are working hard to make a difference in human trafficking, visit here.